Friday, July 8, 2011

Matter 4: Cucumber & Melon hand&body cream

Lotion. Essential for every girl to use. Not only does it keep one’s skin moisturized, it can smell incredible as well! For this blog post, I decided to use my cucumber & melon hand & body cream. This solution starts out as a soothing green-tinted liquid. When applied to the body, this cool creamy substance begins to evaporate. This is the reason that one can smell certain lotions. The molecules evaporate (turn into a gas) and begin to take the shape of its container (the room). We can detect the smell since the gas molecules are all around us. The phase change confirms that this solution went through a physical change.
Some lotions are colloids and some are not. It all depends on the ingredients. The lotion in the picture above is in fact a colloid. That’s one of its chemical properties.

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